Riza Fahmi
Developer Evangelist, Co-Founder Hacktiv8
I love to learn bleeding edge and new technology and enjoy to share with fellow developers that need guidance and upgrade their skill so they can have a better career or do their own business.
I’m the Curriculum Director of Hacktiv8, a company I started with Ronald Ishak, in an attempt to solve the developer hiring crunch that has hindered the growth of many aspiring tech startups in Indonesia. Through a 12-week immersive curriculum offered through Hacktiv8, aims to raise the quality of web developers and connect them with the best tech companies in the country.
Knowledge sharing is deeply engrained with my passion and is evident through involvement in many initiatives such as becoming a lecturer at Universitas Budi Luhur; becoming an organizer for JakartaJS and Meteor Jakarta; a speaker at Singapore Elixir Meetup, GeekCamp, Lambda Jakarta and much more to come. In my free time, I’m hosts a podcast called AppsCoast, a podcast of interviews aspiring startup founders, and technologists and uncover their mission.