What's In It For You?
Fast-paced and practical, the Software Architecture Conference
will aspire software architects, engineers, and senior developers.
Topics Coverage
Requirement Engineering, Agile Design, Scalable Systems, Microservices, Evolutionary Architecture, Distributed Systems, Continuous Delivery, Service-Based Architecture, Design Principles, Soft Skills, Web Application Security, Enterprise Messaging, Data Architecture, Architecture Patterns, Cloud Architectures, Measuring and Profiling, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Internet of Things, DevOps

Essentials: The evolution of technology is very fast and what makes you successful now is not necessarily the same in the future. We have 25-minutes insightful session and 7-minutes session straight to the point.

Insightful: Having an understanding of one particular thing and mastering it is great. But to be a software architect you need more. Knowing and understanding various business domain or industries.

Networking: Want to have more friends, especially Software Architect? Yes, you can find in this event. Jump in into the group of people and start introducing yourself and share your thought.
Keynote Speakers

Teacher, lecturer, entrepreneur, writer, an expert in IT security, musician
Workshop Instructor
? Registration, Morning Tea ☕
? Quick Opening ⚡
Presentation Strategy For Developer
At the end of this workshop, you will have a clear picture of how to do public speaking. So you can get awesome experience out of it. And get some practical strategies to use in your next presentation.
Prerequisite Knowledge:
– Passion for sharing your knowledge
Advanced (elastic)search For Your Legacy Application
How do you mix SQL and NoSQL worlds without starting a messy revolution?
This live coding talk will show you how to add Elasticsearch to your legacy application without changing all your current development habits. Your application will have suddenly have advanced search features, all without the need to write complex SQL code!
Aravind will start from a Spring Boot/Postgresql/MySQL based application and will add a complete integration of Elasticsearch, all live from the stage during his presentation.
Prerequisite Knowledge:
– Java
? Lunch Buffet, ? Photo Session, Networking ?
Scalable Micro Front-End - Best Practices and Hands-on
We will discuss implementation experiences, case analysis and build micro frontend from scratch
The Takeaway:
– Recent JS Tech-stack
– One of a kind micro frontend development experience
– Best Practices on JS and FE
Prerequisite Knowledge:
JS, Node JS, Web dev knowledge, Familiarity with Software Development
Monolith to Event-Driven Microservices
A benefit of microservice, Event-Driven
Prerequisite Knowledge:
– Web Programming
☕ Coffee, ? Closing, ? Photo Session
? Registration, Morning Tea ☕
? Opening
Keynote Speakers
Programming Across Paradigms
Scale to Millions of User Connections and Throughput Messages Per Minute Using MQTT and Kafka
iPrice 9 Coding Principles For Continuous Agility
Agility is no longer an option. To win in this competitive digital era companies need to continuously improve their state of agility. To achieve continuous agility you need to keep your code in shape. What we have learned is rules prohibit developers from creativity but principles inspire developers to go above and beyond. We will share with you what we have learned and the 9 coding principles that we applied at iPrice to help us achieve continuous agility.
Joshua Partogi & Sandyandi Dela CruziPrice 9 Coding Principles For Continuous Agility
Agility is no longer an option. To win in this competitive digital era companies need to continuously improve their state of agility. To achieve continuous agility you need to keep your code in shape. What we have learned is rules prohibit developers from creativity but principles inspire developers to go above and beyond. We will share with you what we have learned and the 9 coding principles that we applied at iPrice to help us achieve continuous agility.
SANDYANDI DELA CRUZ? Lunch Buffet, Networking ?
⚡ Automate your Automation Test, how AI bring the joy
How Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) take on a role in simplifying Automation Test process in the near future. Our big problems in automation testing are changes in element locator and how to process the test result data
Locator changes problem
Locator is a key to our automation test and we often sacrifice our precious time only to make sure that the locator is not changed. Can AI brings the joy by finding the element without knowing anything about the structure of our app or asking the developer to put internal identifier as a selector?
Automatic analysis test result data
Every day we run large number of test cases both manually or automatically. Especially for automation test, it will produce very large data of test results. How can we reduce the effort of the team by doing result analysis automatically?
⚡ Design Thinking to Make A Good Software
The Proccessing to make a good software using design thinking method
FAJAR ANUGERAH⚡ Building Privacy-focused Smart Home Architecture using Mozilla WebThings
I will demonstrate Mozilla’s WebThings Gateway, an IoT framework to protect user privacy and security, and to improve cross-brand interoperability.
I Will show how to build your own web things using WebThings Framework which is collection of reusable component that directly expose Web Thing API.
Developers will have capabilities to monitor and control the smart house from anywhere over the web, also able to understand how to create rules and floor plan in Mozilla WebThings Gateway to make great architecture of smart home.
Participants will be showed study case of WebThings live on stage, yes I said LIVE in this 7 minutes talk.
RIZKY ARIESTIYANSYAHThe Tale of a Resilient Team: How They Bounced Back from a Setback
When a team experienced difficulties, it could be difficult for them to get back up and running. In my journey as an Agile Coach in Bukalapak, I have found a team that could bounce back from a setback caused by the adoption of non-agile practices. In this presentation, we will discover their secret: the team’s willingness to change, regular feedback from outside of the team, and a community of practice within the organization. Let’s follow their journey and hopefully we could learn from them!
Rosalia AdistiArchitecting Secure and Interoperable IoT Solution with IoTivity
In this session, you will learn about OCF Open Connectivity Framework and its open source implementation IoTivity to design and build secure and interoperable IoT solutions. Speaker will cover essential building blocks including discovery, data transmission, data and device management.
RISMAN ADNANSYTYCCode?! How to build software that delivers business value
DevOps, SRE, Agile, Scrum, Microservices, CI/CD, Containers, Docker, Kubernetes, Serverless, Kafka, AI, ML… If reading this list of buzzwords got you all excited, you might have a problem (or may even be a part of the problem). These are just tools. Tools that cannot guarantee success of your business, your product or your career. All of these tools do serve one common purpose, but… do you know what it is? In this talk I’m going to discuss their purpose, our purpose and how equipping yourself with this knowledge can help you become better software engineer, architect or product manager.
Infuse Computer Vision Into Your Apps: Balancing Technology, Skills and Investment
Computer Vision as one of the fastest growing field of AI, has changed from exclusive technology that requires highly skilled people in Deep Learning field,
into most widely adopted technology in the past few years.
Advancement in hardware and software in this field has lower barrier entry to organization at any size to tap into this technology to solve their unique business problems.
Computer Vision will be infused to wide range of applications, and be prepare to choose the strategy of balancing between technology, people skills, investment, and new roles that will support it.
Nugroho GitoDigital Journey to Microservices
Cloud Native World of Kubernetes and GOJEK
Kubernetes has become one of the biggest projects in open source history. The presentation will show you what makes Kubernetes great from technical perspectives, the cloud native evolution, and tips on how to contribute to the community. Finally, the presentation will end on how GOJEK leverages the cloud native tools to support its hyper-growth and scalability.
GIRI KUNCOROAircraft Predictive Maintenance Pipelines
Many airlines rely on a near-real-time predictive maintenance systems to determine the likelihood of failure of critical aircraft components. Through these web-based systems, engineers can see the health of aircraft components that are not physically accessible during aircraft inspections. Predictive maintenance pipelines make use of data gathered from over 2,000 sensors inside the aircraft. After every flight, these sensors upload data into a shared storage system, from where Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams and KSQL pipe this data into machine learning engines. The resulting scored data is then available through a web app.
During this talk, Victor will share details on:
– What does the high-level architecture of predictive maintenance system and pipelines look like.
– What other technologies we considered, and the reasons behind choosing Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams, and KSQL.
– How Kafka Connect, Streams and KSQL enable us to scale and produce insight in near-real time.
VICTOR WIBISONO? Closing, ? Photo Session, ⌨️ Typing Contest Winner Announcement, ? Special Gift for Audiences
Usmar Ismail Hall Jakarta
The conference will take place at the Usmar Ismail Hall Jakarta, a great location in central of Jakarta, nearby entertainment destinations.

Nearby Places
Plaza Kuningan

Only two minutes from Usmar Ismail Hall
Hotel JS Luwansa

Only one minute from Usmar Ismail Hall
Masjid Husnul Khatimah

Only three minutes from Usmar Ismail Hall by using Car, and 10 minutes by walk
Get Your Tickets
Conference TicketNormal Price 1499KPromo Terbatas
- Conference passes 3 Aug 2019
- T-Shirt
- Snack & Lunch
- Drawstring Bag
- Access to recorded conference Video
- Access to speakers materials
- Exhibition passes
- Certificate of attendance
- Access to video SAC JKT 2018
Bundle Ticket (SOLD OUT)
- Workshop passes 2 Aug 2019
- Conference passes 3 Aug 2019
- T-Shirt
- Snack & Lunch
- Drawstring Bag
- Access to recorded conference Video
- Access to speakers materials
- Access to instructor materials
- Exhibition passes
- Certificate of attendance
- Certificate for each workshop
- Access to video SAC JKT 2018
Workshop Ticket for limited registrants (SOLD OUT)
- Workshop passes 2 Aug 2019
- T-Shirt
- Snack & Lunch
- Drawstring Bag
- Access to instructor materials
- Exhibition passes
- Certificate for each workshop
- Access to video SAC JKT 2018
Past Event
Software Architecture Conference 2018

Good app, but need bug fixing in “my schedule” menu. I have 8+ copies of ‘permanent’ schedule which can’t be deleted 🙂 thanks
Got it. Thank you for your feedback
Di tunggu acara selanjutnya
Acaranya bagus, speakersnya bagus dalam penyampaian (almost all). Ada materi yg nyambung dan ini membantu dalam memahami materinya.