Sidiq Permana
Google Developer Expert for Android and Intel Android Software Innovator
Sidiq Permana is an Indonesian Professional Android Application Developer, Entrepereneur – a Chief Innovation Officer at Nusantara Beta Studio, Professional Android Application Development Trainer in PT Branmatics Cipta Informatika (http://brainmatics.com/) since 2013 and Initiator of Developer Mengajar (http://developermengajar.com).
He has been innovating on Android Application Development since 2010 by developing and delivering a various android application. Currently, Sidiq runs Nusantara Beta Studio as IT service company in Tangerang to support the local business needs and deliver various software.
In 2013, Sidiq was selected by PT Brainmatics Cipta Informatika as Android Application Developer Trainer to help senior developers to understand and develop android applications.
Since 2014, he has been running the local developer movement named Developer Mengajar (developer teaching), with the aim of spreading the same spirit and support, and to help local developers and students to get ready to face the Industry needs. He collaborates with his friends Mega Chocoarts and Aqid Flipbox which have much experience in web app and game development.
His life is completely simple; he loves to code, he loves to share and teach and he loves to support and help the local developers.